Of course, we are not (yet?) European Youth Capital, but we are already working hard on great projects, initiatives and activities under the banner 'Leeuwarden for EYC2028'. For example, to increase youth participation. Once these projects are ready to present, you'll find them here!
Research into the effect of eyc
The European Youth Forum investigated the effects of the title European Youth Capital. Stories from previous EYC winners show that young people can make a real difference. The title has ensured that there are more active young people in local governments, that young people have twice as many opportunities (including financially) and that there are more places for and by young people. Young people not only live in a city, but also help shape its future.
In addition, European Youth Capital ensures that European events come to cities such as Leeuwarden, where young people from all over Europe can meet each other. This makes the city more vibrant and boosts the local economy, from more tourists to an international presence. This is how the city comes into the interest of many people.
Want to know more about this? Then read the research!

This is what eyc looks like in other cities
We'd love to show you what this title can really mean for a city and its surroundings. Check out the websites of a number of previous winners below!
Lublin, winner 2023
Lublin is the first Polish city to be awarded the European Youth Capital 2023 title. Lublin wants to be an open and welcoming city that listens to what young people need and want. It is a place where young people, regardless of their origin, ideas, sexual orientation or gender identity, have their own place, feel at home and are heard and valued.
Ghent, winner 2024
In 2024, young people took over the city of Ghent. The city values the opinions of young people and sees them as real partners to help them think about the future of the city. The European Youth Capital (EYC) was a good opportunity to do more with this. Throughout the year, they tried out how young people can participate in deciding on that future.
Parma, winner 2027
The people of Parma say they are full of passion, determination, young, and united by one vision: Parma wants to become the new meeting place for the youth of Europe. Their mission is to be leaders in change by promoting smart policies and innovative ideas that put young people at the center.